Sunday, March 15, 2009

December Winter Evening Meal from Mom and Grandmom

December 03

Here is a good winter evening supper.
Hamburger Rice Hotdish (Vivian Werner)
Basic recipe which you can jazz up with extra celery, or green, red or orange peppers for a more vegertarian effect.
1 cup rice. ( I mix a little wild rice, with some brown rice to about 1/2 cup and add the rest white rice to make a little over a cup)
3 cups water. Put in a casserole pan to soak.
Brown 1 medium onion and 2 cups chopped celery (and peppers as desired). Put in casserole pan.
1 can cream of mushroom soup, in casserole pan.
Soy sauce to taste. O.K. about 2-3 tablespoons.
O.K. 350 degrees for about 1.5 to 2 hours.
Just stir it up every so often to see how it is. You'll know when it is thick and done.
If you make this in advance and put it in the refrigertor uncooked, give it at least 30-45 minutes to warm up in the oven, so add that time on. (Based on experience.)
Steam some green beans you froze from your garden, or microwave a squash you grew in your garden or bought at the farmers market.
(I suppose I have to tell you how to cook the beans and squash. Actually, the squash is so easy. Put a regular sized squash in the microwave for 10 minutes. I mean, don't do anything to it except put it in the micro. It will cook. Take it out. HOT! Place in a bowl, cut open and take out the seeds. Scoop out the yellow meat, or serve in the skins at the table. Whatever. I like a little butter and brown sugar tossed in the hollow
Beans steamed. Put them in the top of a double boiler. About 2 inches of water below. Boil the water. Steam for 4-5 mimutes, max. or until hot. Don't eat them frozen or cold, it's just not very good!
In the winter we like this salad. Some greens on individual plates. Open canned Pear halves. Place on greens.
Grate some colby or pepper jack or other yellow cheese (velveeta actually will work in this recipe) into a bowl. Add Hellmans mayonnaise to taste. Spoon into the pear hollows. Eat and enjoy.
If you have any pumpkin pie left over from Thanksgiving, have it for dessert!
Hello, Winter!

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